
What can you do with the DAO

May 21, 2021

The DAO allows for two general types of proposals: proposals with direct binding actions, and governance proposals. Proposals with direct binding actions # The DAO allows the community to vote on binding actions that will result in changes made to Decentraland’s smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Those binding actions are: Funding a community project by transferring a portion of the DAO’s resources to a grant vesting contract. Adding a catalyst node to the network of servers that host and run Decentraland’s virtual world. ...


January 1, 2018

What equipment or software do I need to play in Decentraland? # A PC or Mac running Chrome, Firefox or Brave. See hardware requirements Can I play on a mobile device? For the moment we don’t support mobile devices. But please stay tuned! Can I log in from multiple computers? Yes, you can run Decentraland from multiple computers as long as you have your digital wallet installed on each machine. ...

Uploading Emotes

January 7, 2023

Once you export your emote, you’ll have to upload it to the builder. This document will cover the process of uploading emotes. Uploading Your File # Remember that you need to create a collection before you can upload your file. If you don’t know how to do that, check Creating a Collection . To upload your emote, just drag and drop the file on the New Item window or browse your computer. ...

Linked wearables

April 5, 2022

Table of Contents # Introduction About What are Linked Wearables? Costs Getting started - DAO Proposal Linked Wearables Creating a Linked Wearable Collection Creating Linked Wearables One By One Creating Linked Wearables In Bulk Seeing the wearables in world Editing the collection name Editing the collection ID or URN Deleting the collection Editing a single wearable Editing a wearable’s ID or URN Editing wearables in bulk Submitting your Linked Wearables Publishing wearables Curation Handcrafted wearables Programmatic collections Building the API Endpoint @GET /registry/:registry-id/address/:address/assets Endpoint @GET /registry/:registry-id/address/:address/assets/:id Endpoint @POST /registry/:registry-id/ownership Important notice and considerations Closing up Summary Additional comments Introduction # About # In accordance with the initial DAO proposal for Linked Wearables (previously called: Third Party Wearables) and the last approved Draft Proposal with final definitions , this document will serve as documentation to cover all the relevant details around the Linked Wearables feature. ...

Requesting Grants

June 18, 2021

To request a grant from the Decentraland DAO, begin by navigating to and signing in with your wallet. Click Submit a proposal and choose Grant request from the list of proposal categories. You will be presented with a form that you must complete before submitting your request. Grant proposal forms # When you submit a grant request, you are expected to complete the proposal form to the best of your ability. ...

Requesting Grants

June 18, 2021

To request a grant from the Decentraland DAO, begin by navigating to click on the button “start voting” and sign in with your wallet. Head to the Grants tab and on the lower left side of the platform you’ll see a REQUEST A GRANT button. Grant proposal form # Decentraland Grants allow MANA owned by the DAO to fund the creation of features or content beneficial to the Decentraland platform and its growth. ...

Publishing Collections

May 31, 2021

For detailed instructions on how to submit your collections for approval before publication, see how to create a collection . This document explains how the approval process works when publishing wearables and emotes, and what criteria is used by the Curation Committee when reviewing wearables. For detailed information on the Curation Committee, start here . The Publication Process # After clicking “Publish” on your completed proposal and pay the fees of the items, the collection will be submitted to the Curation Committee for approval. ...

How the DAO works

May 21, 2021

To circumvent the very high gas fees associated with full on-chain governance, Decentraland’s DAO uses a combination of free, off-chain voting for the community and a multi-sig wallet controlled by a “DAO Committee” to enact those off-chain decisions on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows everyone who holds MANA, NAMES or LAND to participate in the DAO without having to pay any fees everytime they want to vote or open a proposal. ...


January 1, 2018

The original Decentraland white paper written by Esteban Ordano, Ariel Meilich, Yemel Jardi, and Manuel Araoz can be found using the link below. This white paper presents a detailed explanation of the original philosophical motivations behind the Decentraland project, along with a rigorous discussion of the proposed technical and economic approaches to building Decentraland. Please keep in mind that the Decentraland project is continually evolving, and some of the approaches outlined in the white paper have been modified. ...

Uploading Smart Wearables

July 27, 2023

After generating your Smart Wearable using the SDK7 , the next step is to upload it to the builder. This document explains how to upload, publish, and put your Smart Wearables up for sale. Uploading Your File # Remember that you need to create a collection before uploading your file. If you don’t know how to do that, check Creating a Collection . To upload your Smart Wearable, drag and drop the file on the New Item window or browse your computer. ...