June 29, 2022
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . When running a scene that’s already deployed to land in Decentraland, there are a number of things you can try out to debug it.
Before deploying # Preview # Before you deploy your scene to Decentraland, make sure the scene runs well in preview using the latest version of the Decentraland SDK.
June 29, 2022
When running a scene that’s already deployed to land in Decentraland, there are a number of things you can try out to debug it.
Before deploying # Preview # Before you deploy your scene to Decentraland, make sure the scene runs well in preview using the latest version of the Decentraland SDK. See debug in preview .
Although there should always be backwards compatibility of content built with older SDK versions, some platform-level aspects are subject to change over time.
February 8, 2022
All creators are welcome! In Decentraland you have a wide range of Creative possibilities:
Scenes Wearables & Smart Wearables Emotes Scenes # 3D content in Decentraland is made up of scenes, each scene occupies a finite amount of space and is displayed one next to the other for players to freely walk through them.
Tools # Use these tools to create Decentraland scenes:
Web Editor: A lightweight tool, with no installation.
May 17, 2021
This document outlines the steps recommended for developing a scene for Decentraland, from ideation to publishing and beyond.
Install the Decentraland Editor Design your experience Where to publish Templates and examples Art assets Run a local preview Publish to the test server Publish to Decentraland Promote Iterate Giving back Install the Decentraland Editor # Make sure you have the Decentraland Editor installed.
Installation Guide . Design your experience # Think about how much space you need to take up, what kind of distribution, what kinds of mechanics you want players to be able to carry out, etc.
November 4, 2020
Display an avatar as an entity in a scene.
Create an avatar # The following snippet creates an avatar with random wearables and body shape, and name “NPC”.
const myAvatar = engine.addEntity() AvatarShape.create(myAvatar) Transform.create(myAvatar, { position: Vector3.create(4, 0.25, 5), }) When passing data to generate an AvatarShape, the following fields are required:
id: (required) Internal identifier for the Avatar The following optional fields are also available:
name: Name to display over the Avatar’s head.
August 4, 2020
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . To change the player’s position in the scene, use the movePlayerTo() function. This function takes two arguments:
position: Where to move the player, expressed as an object with x, y, and z properties. cameraTarget: (optional) What direction to make the player face, expressed as an object with x, y, and z properties that represent the coordinates of a point in space to stare at.
August 4, 2020
To change the player’s position in the scene, use the movePlayerTo() function. This function takes an object with two properties:
newRelativePosition: Where to move the player, expressed as a Vector3. cameraTarget: (optional) What direction to make the player face, expressed as a Vector3 that represents the coordinates of a point in space to stare at. If no value is provided, the player will maintain the same rotation as before moving. import { movePlayerTo } from '~system/RestrictedActions' // create entity const myEntity = engine.
August 4, 2020
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . The Decentraland ECS Utils library includes a number of helpful pre-built tools that include components, methods, and systems. They offer simple solutions to common scenarios that you’re likely to run into while building scenes.
Gradual Movement Move an entity Follow a path Follow a curved path Rotate an entity Sustain rotation Change scale Non-linear changes Callback on finish Toggle Time Delay a function Delay removing an entity Repeat at an Interval Triggers Trigger Component Trigger layers Conversions clamp map world position world rotation Send requests Labels Debug helpers Debug cube Action sequence IAction Action Sequence Builder Action Sequence System Full example Using the Utils library # Via the Editor # Make sure you’ve installed the Decentraland editor .
May 4, 2020
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . There are two different ways you can show a video in a scene. One is to stream the video from an external source, the other is to pack the video file with the scene and play it from there.
In both cases, you assign the video to a VideoTexture, which can be used on a material and then applied to any primitive shape like a plane, cube, or even a cone.
May 4, 2020
There are tree different ways you can show a video in a scene:
Upload a video file as part of the scene contents Stream the video from an external source Stream live via Decentraland cast In all cases, you’ll need:
An entity with a primitive shape like a plane, cube, or even a cone. A material with a A VideoTexture assigned to its texture A VideoPlayer component to control the state of the video.