
About the blockchain

January 1, 2018

All blockchains are in essence decentralized databases that are distributed among the machines of a network. Transactions are grouped into “blocks” and processed sequentially to form a chain of events. Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchains. What sets it apart from others, such as Bitcoin, is that it uses the blockchain as storage for more than just a record of currency transactions. Ethereum can store more complex information to distinguish different kinds of tokens or even handle unique tokens with specific characteristics. ...

Transactions in Polygon

February 17, 2020

What is Polygon? # As stated in the the official Polygon website, Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem.” What is Matic? # MATIC is Polygon’s native token. It is a cryptocurrency used to cover gas fees in the Polygon network, among other use cases. MATIC is to Polygon as ETH is to Ethereum. ...

Create a dApp

January 1, 2018

You can create your own decentralized apps (dApps) to interface with Decentraland’s smart contracts and expose their functionality in more elaborate and friendlier ways. What is a dApp # A decentralized application, or dApp, is one that runs on a distributed peer to peer network rather than from a central server. In the context of blockchain, a dApp uses smart contracts and possibly a P2P network, instead of a Web API service. ...

Buying NFTs

February 17, 2022

Buying NFTs directly through Decentraland’s Smart Contracts # Users can easily buy Land, Estates, Names, Wearables and Emotes using the Marketplace . As easy as it seems to do it on the website, various Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Network and the Polygon Network make this possible. Lands, Estates, and Names are commercialized in the marketplace using a different contract than the ones used for Wearables and Emotes, and Wearables that you buy from the store listed as primary sales use a different one as well. ...

Integrating Decentraland's Estate in your Marketplace

February 17, 2022

Integrating Decentraland’s Estate in your Marketplace # The Decentraland’s Estate is an ERC721 compliant NFT and runs in Ethereum Mainnet. Therefore a lot of third party marketplaces can trade them. In order to do so, this marketplace must follow certain rules in order to make keep trades secure for the users. As you may know, each Estate is a group of LANDs and it have a bytes hash associated to the group that it call fingerprint. ...