Act on events and users

Act on events and users

Interact with the Social Service API to perform actions related to events and users. These actions include creating new friend requests, accepting or rejecting incoming requests, and deleting friendships. The Social Service allows users to manage their relationships and interactions within the platform.

Friendships and Actions #

Friendships within the Social Service are bidirectional relationships between users. Actions can be taken to update these friendships, such as sending friend requests, accepting or rejecting requests, canceling requests, and removing friendships. Each of these actions has specific implications for the relationship between users.

Implementing Friendship Updates #

To perform these friendship-related actions, the UpdateFriendshipEvent message needs to be utilized. This message allows for the execution of various actions related to friendships, such as requesting, accepting, rejecting, canceling, and removing.

The exact payload structure and required parameters for each action are specified in the UpdateFriendshipEvent message.

Example Usage

Here’s an example of how you might use the UpdateFriendshipEvent to send a friend request:

message UpdateFriendshipEvent {
  string userAddress = 1;
  string targetUserAddress = 2;
  FriendshipAction action = 3;

In this example, userAddress represents the sender’s address, targetUserAddress represents the recipient’s address, and action denotes the type of action to be performed (requesting, accepting, rejecting, canceling, or removing).

Sending Friend Requests #

Any user can send a friend request to another user. However, to establish a friendship, the recipient user must accept the request.

requestFriendship: async (address: string, message?: string) => {
  const response = await service.updateFriendshipEvent({
    event: { request: { user: { address }, message } },
    authToken: { synapseToken }
  return response.event

Accepting or Rejecting Requests #

When a user receives a friend request, they have the option to accept or reject it. Accepting a request establishes a mutual friendship between the users. Rejecting a request denies the establishment of a friendship.

acceptFriendshipRequest: async (address: string) => {
  const response = await service.updateFriendshipEvent(
      event: { accept: { user: { address } } },
      authToken: { synapseToken }
  return response.event
rejectFriendshipRequest: async (address: string) => {
  const response = await service.updateFriendshipEvent(
      authToken: { synapseToken },
      event: { reject: { user: { address } } }
  return response.event

Canceling Friend Requests #

If a user decides to retract a sent friend request before it’s accepted, they can cancel the request. This prevents the recipient from seeing or responding to the request.

cancelFriendshipRequest: async (address: string) => {
  const response = await service.updateFriendshipEvent(
      event: { cancel: { user: { address } } },
      authToken: { synapseToken }
  return response.event

Removing Friendships #

Either user in a mutual friendship has the option to remove the friendship. When a friendship is removed, it is deleted from the records of both users, ending the mutual relationship.

removeFriend: async (address: string) => {
  const response = await service.updateFriendshipEvent(
      authToken: { synapseToken },
      event: { delete: { user: { address } } }
  return response.event