

Collections are groups of wearables and emotes defined in the same off-chain namespace or on-chain contract.

They are not entities in and of themselves, but their individual items can be obtained from content servers normally using pointers .

URNs and Pointers #

Collections are identified using URNs, which are prefixes to their item URNs. There are 4 general types of URNs:

  • v1 collections with Foundation-approved content (deprecated).
  • v2 collections with community-approved content.
  • thirdparty collections with items associated to NFTs outside Decentraland.
  • off-chain collections, containing mostly default items for new avatars.

Despite the fact that v1 collections are deprecated and will not be created or updated anymore, they are still valid and their items can be used.

Version 1 and 2 Collections #

Both the old v1 and the current v2 collection namespaces have URNs of the same form:


For example:

# A collection in the deprecated v1 space:
urn:decentraland:mainnet:collections-v1:DCL Test Masks

# A collection in the v2 community-approved space:

If the :<id> segment is appended at the end, the URN becomes a pointer to an item inside the collection. See wearable pointers and emote pointers for information on these.

Third-party Collections #

Third-party collections, also known as linked wearables , are different from regular wearables in that they are tied to existing NFTs outside Decentraland. They allow players to display NFTs from their personal set on their in-world avatars.

Their URNs look like this:


You can find ample information about these in the linked wearables documentation for creators.

Discovering Collections #

Content servers can give you a list of all known collections, using the /lambdas/collections endpoint.

The response will be an object with a collections property, containing an array of URNs and names. For example:

  "collections": [
      "id": "urn:decentraland:amoy:collections-v2:0xff5d4ebc6bc1ff7262cab42d3c693d953f4614d2",
      "name": "Winter clothes collection"
    // ... many more