
3D Model Essentials


When importing 3D models into Decentraland, it’s important to make sure they’re in either glTF format. These models can include a variety of supported features. This section is all about how to make them compatible with Decentraland and following best practices. Please note that all models, shaders, and textures must comply with the scene limitations . Supported 3D Model Formats # All 3D models in Decentraland must be in glTF format. ...



3D models have a mesh composed of triangular faces. These faces meet each other on edges (the lines along which they touch) and vertices (the points where their corners join). Space Limitations # All 3D models in your scene must fit within the limits of its parcels. If they extend beyond these limits when running a preview, the meshes will be marked in red by a bounding box. For performance reasons, Decentraland checks the positions of the bounding boxes around meshes (not the vertices in the meshes themselves) to verify that they are within the scene’s limits. ...



Materials are embedded into a .gltf or .glb file. This document refers to materials that are imported in a 3D model. For materials defined via code to apply onto primitive shapes, see materials . 📔 Note: You can’t currently dynamically change the materials of a 3D model from your scene’s code, unless this is a primitive shape. Shader Support # Not all shaders can be used in models that are imported into Decentraland. ...



Textures are a key part of the 3D art pipeline to achieve the look and feel you want for your scene. In this section you will find everything you need to know to create your textures, limitations, nodes in Blender and optimizing them to perform as its best! Limitations # Texture Size Constraints # Currently the Decentraland Explorer compress the textures at a maximun of 512px for optimization purpeses using an Asset Bundle Converter after the scene is uplaoded to the content servers. ...



To enable collisions between a 3D model and users of your scene, you must give the model colliders. Without a collider, players are able to walk through models as if they weren’t there. Colliders are also required to make an object respond to the player’s pointer events or to block them, or to be intersected by raycasts or block them. For performance reasons, colliders are often modeled separately as a simpler invisible geometry that has less vertices than the visible geometry. ...



Animation is the art of bringing life into things. And there’s no better way to make you scene more lively then adding some animations to your 3D models. There are a couple ways to do it though: through object animation or through a rig (skeletal animation). Object animation is best for simple models, such as a bouncing ball, a spinning globe or a floating chair and it doesn’t need an armature. ...

Create a Rig


This document shows how to set up a basic rig in Blender. If you want to get more familiar with some rigging concepts, check out The Rig: Basic Concepts . Adding the Armature # First of all, you’ll need to import your 3D model into Blender or, if you did it in Blender already, just open your blend file. In object mode, press Shift+A and select Armature on the menu, like show below. ...