February 14, 2018
The easiest way to handle button events is to register a callback function for a particular entity. Every time that entity is interacted with using a specific button, the callback function is called.
If you need to add the same behavior to multiple similar entities, consider using the System-based approach instead of adding callbacks to each entity. The system-based approach can result in more efficiency as you iterate over a list of similar entities.
February 11, 2018
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . After creating a new scene using the CLI, the scene folder will have a series of files with default content.
Default files in a local scene # Scenes include the following files:
src/game.ts: The entry point of the scene. scene.json: The manifest that contains metadata for the scene.
February 11, 2018
After creating a new scene , the scene folder will have a series of files with default content.
Default files in a scene # Scenes include the following files:
src/index.ts: The entry point of the scene. scene.json: The manifest that contains metadata for the scene. package.json and package-lock.json: Specify the versions of all dependencies of the scene. tsconfig.json: Typescript configuration file. .dclignore: Lists the files in your project that will not be uploaded when you publish your scene.
February 7, 2018
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . About second layer solutions # Any transaction that affects the blockchain takes time to complete, and costs gas. Both these things are obstacles to making blockchain gaming popular, because players usually don’t have the patience to wait that long for their actions to take effect, and aren’t willing to spend money on many transactions as they play.
February 7, 2018
About second layer solutions # Any transaction that affects the blockchain takes time to complete, and costs gas. Both these things are obstacles to making blockchain gaming popular, because players usually don’t have the patience to wait that long for their actions to take effect, and aren’t willing to spend money on many transactions as they play.
A common workaround is to keep most of the game-play off-chain, and only carry out blockchain transactions for key events, like earning a game item or registering a high score.
January 16, 2018
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . Decentraland scenes rely on systems to update the information stored in each entity’s components as the scene changes.
systems are what make scenes dynamic, they’re able to execute functions periodically on every frame of the scene’s game loop, changing what will be rendered.
The following example shows a basic system declaration:
January 16, 2018
Decentraland scenes rely on systems to update any data over time, including information stored in each entity’s components .
systems are what make scenes dynamic, they’re functions that are executed periodically on every tick of the scene’s game loop, changing what will be rendered.
The following example shows a basic system declaration:
// Define the system function mySystem() { console.log("Performed on every tick. My system is running") } // Add system to engine engine.
January 6, 2018
In order to improve performance in the metaverse, we have established a set of limits that every scene must follow. These limits are per-parcel. So the larger the scene, the higher these limits are set.
When working with the Creator Hub , you can see stats about the resources used by 3D models in your scene, together with the limits for your scene.
You can expand this menu to view details.
January 1, 2018
Creator Hub # The Creator Hub is the recommended tool for creating content for Decentraland.
See installation instructions on Creator Hub Installation VS Code Extension # 📔 Note: The Decentraland Visual Studio Code Extension is deprecated. We encourage you to use the Creator Hub together with Visual Studio Code without the extension. The Decentraland Visual Studio Code extension allows you to build, preview and deploy Decentraland scenes.
To install the Decentraland Visual Studio Code extension:
❗Warning: This is a legacy page covering functionality with the old SDK version 6. See the latest version of this topic here . Three dimensional scenes in Decentraland are based on the Entity-Component model, where everything in a scene is an entity, and each entity can include components that shape its characteristics and functionality.
The rendered shape of an entity is determined by what component it uses. Each entity can have only one shape component assigned to it.