Content Creators
Move a player

Move a player

Use the Scene Editor #

The easiest way to move the player is to use the Scene Editor . Use the no-code Move player or the Move player here Actions, see Make any item smart .

Move player #

To change the player’s position in the scene, use the movePlayerTo() function. This function takes an object with three properties:

  • newRelativePosition: Where to position the player, expressed as a Vector3.
  • cameraTarget: (optional) What direction to make the camera face, expressed as a Vector3 that represents the coordinates of a point in space to stare at. If no value is provided, the camera will maintain the same rotation as before moving.
  • avatarTarget: (optional) What direction to make the avatar face, expressed as a Vector3 that represents the coordinates of a point in space to stare at. If no value is provided, the avatar will maintain the same rotation as before moving. If the player is in 1st person camera mode, the camera and avatar rotation are the same.
import { movePlayerTo } from '~system/RestrictedActions'

// create entity
const myEntity = engine.addEntity()

Transform.create(myEntity, {
	position: { x: 4, y: 1, z: 4 },

// give entity behavior
		entity: myEntity,
		opts: { button: InputAction.IA_POINTER, hoverText: 'Click' },
	function () {
		// respawn player
			newRelativePosition: Vector3.create(1, 0, 1),
			cameraTarget: Vector3.create(8, 1, 8),
			avatarTarget: Vector3.create(8, 1, 8),

The player’s movement occurs instantly, without any confirmation screens or camera transitions.

📔 Note: Players can only be moved if they already are standing inside the scene’s bounds, and can only be moved to locations that are inside the limits of the scene’s bounds. You can’t use movePlayerTo() to transport a player to another scene. To move a player to another scene, see Teleports .

Required permissions in smart wearables and portable experiences #

📔 Note: Permissions are only relevant in portable experiences and smart wearables . Normal scenes (both in parcels or in Worlds) are free to move the player and are not affected by permissions.

Smart wearables and portable experiences are only allowed to use this functionality if they add a corresponding permissions on the scene.json file. This applies to both predefined and custom animations. This is granted via the ALLOW_TO_MOVE_PLAYER_INSIDE_SCENE permission. If not yet present, create a requiredPermissions property at root level in the JSON file to assign it this permission.

"requiredPermissions": [

See Required permissions for more details.