Content Creators
UI Text

UI Text

Ad text to your UI by creating a Label entity.

A Label entity has the following fields that can be configured:

  • value: The string to display
  • fontSize: The size of the text, as a number.

    NOTE: The fontSize is not affected by the size of its entity or parent entities.

  • color: The color of the text, as a Color4 .
  • font: The font to use, taking a value from the Font enum. Supported values are:
    • serif
    • sans-serif (default)
    • monospace
  • textAlign: How the text will align with its parent. It takes a value from the TextAlingType type. TextAlignType = ’top-left’ | ’top-center’ | ’top-right’ | ‘middle-left’ | ‘middle-center’ | ‘middle-right’ | ‘bottom-left’ | ‘bottom-center’ | ‘bottom-right’;
  • textWrap: If the text uses line-breaks to ensure it all fits in the maximum width allowed. It can take the strings 'wrap' (default) or 'nowrap'.
📔 Note: The fontSize is not affected by the size of its entity or parent entities.

A Label entity can also have other common components found on other types of UI entities, like uiTransform and uiBackground.

import { ReactEcsRenderer } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'

ReactEcsRenderer.setUiRenderer(() => (
	<UiEntity uiTransform={{ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }}>
			value="This is a label"

If a line of text is too long to fit in the assigned width, or the maximum width of its container, the text will continue on the next line. You can disable this by changing the value of the textWrap property to 'nowrap'.

You can also force a line break by explicitly adding \n to the string.

import { ReactEcsRenderer } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'
import { TextWrap } from "@dcl/sdk/ecs";

ReactEcsRenderer.setUiRenderer(() => (
	<UiEntity uiTransform={{ width: 700, height: 400 }}>
			value="Hello World!\nThis other bit is quite long. It probably won't fit in a single line, so it will include a line break somewhere.\nFourth line"
			textWrap= {`nowrap`} 

If no explicit height or width is set on the uiTransform of the container, the container will use the value auto, which adjusts to fit all the text. You can set a maxWidth and a maxHeight to ensure it doesn’t exceed certain limits. You can also use minWidth and minHeight to ensure the container does’t grow too small, even if the text is shorter.

import { ReactEcsRenderer, UiEntity } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'

ReactEcsRenderer.setUiRenderer(() => (
			minWidth: 100,
			maxWidth: 300,
			height: 'auto',
			alignSelf: 'center',
			padding: 10,
			color: Color4.Red(),
			value: 'Hello world!',
			fontSize: 18,

Responsive text size #

Use the scaleFontSize() function to provide font values that adjust to the player’s screen size. When setting the fontSize property of a text UI entity, pass this function instead of a single number.

import { ReactEcsRenderer, UiEntity } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'
import { scaleFontSize } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'

ReactEcsRenderer.setUiRenderer(() => (
      width: 'auto',
      height: 'auto',
      alignSelf: 'center',
      padding: 10,
      value: 'Hello world!',

The scaleFontSize() function requires two parameters:

  • fontSize: The base font size to use.
  • scaleUnit (optional): The scaling factor. This determines if the text should be adjusted based on the screen width or the height, and a multiplier for how much to adapt. Default: "0.39vh". Values can be:
    • Number: A simple number, in this case it gets interpreted as relative to width
    • String ending in vw: This makes the number relative to the view width. For example "0.8vw"
    • String ending in vh: This makes the number relative to the view height. For example "0.8vh"
💡 Tip: This function works similar to the CSS calc() function.

The value of scaleUnit is a percentage of the window’s width or height. So a scaleUnit of "100vw" is 100% of the width of the screen, a value of "0.5vw" is 0.5% of the width of the screen.

The formula that scaleFontSize() follows is it multiples the screen width or height by the scaleUnit and adds to that the fontSize passed in the first parameter.

final font = fontSize + (screen width * scaleUnit / 100 )

For example, in the snippet below uses a scaleUnit value of 0.8. If the screen width is 1280px that will result in text of size of 26.84, having followed the equation 15 + (1280 * 0.8 / 100).

import { ReactEcsRenderer, UiEntity } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'
import { scaleFontSize } from '@dcl/sdk/react-ecs'

ReactEcsRenderer.setUiRenderer(() => (
      width: 'auto',
      height: 'auto',
      alignSelf: 'center',
      padding: 10,
      value: 'Hello world!',
      fontSize={scaleFontSize(15, 0.8)}
💡 Tip: If you don’t have different screen sizes to test, you can try using the Web Explorer and resizing the window where you run the preview. The text will adjust instantly every time you change the window.

As an alternative to using the scaleFontSize() function, you can also adjust font size to screen size using the methods described in Responsive UI Size .